News & Blog

Evaporative Coolers and How to Fight Back Against Monsoons

News & Blog

Your evaporative cooler in Tucson, AZ is probably going to struggle during monsoon season, but don’t you worry just because it’s down doesn’t mean it’s down for the count! Tucson all you need to do is simply be smarter in how you use your system and remain diligent in your maintenance of it. Here are a few usage and maintenance tips for getting the most out of your evaporative cooling system during a particularly volatile monsoon season:

  • A close eye on those pesky outdoor humidity levels. As low pressure fronts move through and pass, humidity can fluctuate wildly—as much as 10 to 40 percent in as little as an hour or two! Keep your evaporative cooler off when humidity is high and flip that baby on when that number drops to get the most out of its functionality.
  • Beware of the deadly haboob! (insert haboob image here) These pesky things are dust storms kicked up by monsoons in Tucson just before the rain starts to fall. Fun little particles of Dust will start to cover your evaporative cooling system, clogging filters and making your system work much harder than it needs to. Check and change your filter frequently during monsoon season and check it right away after a dust storm blows through.
  • One of the biggest things to remember is DON’T skimp on cleaning your cooler. This means filters, pads, the tank and the exterior of the unit. And if that is to much of a hassle for you to do these things on a  biweekly or monthly basis, then you will need to find a way to keep it well protected from the elements, such as by covering it with a tarp.

Tucson residents know just how unpredictable and troublesome monsoon season is in its own right. Don’t let complications to your evaporative cooler leave you sweating the storms even after they pass!


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